Peterstown Public Library
Books, Videos, and Audiobooks.
We loan most library materials for a period of three weeks. DVDs and Videos are loaned for one week at a time. Patrons may renew their materials twice. Overdue fines are .05 cents per day.
Interlibrary Loans
The Peterstown Public Library participates in an Interlibrary Loan service in order to obtain materials not available in our collection. This service depends on the generosity of public and academic libraries across the state. For security reasons interlibrary loan materials must be signed out from the front desk. In order to receive this privilege the borrower agrees to: 1. Accept responsibility for materials between signing out and signing in. This includes cost of damage to or loss of borrowed item. 2. Return the materials by the date due marked on the interlibrary loan slip. Not returning materials to the lending library on time may jeopardize our ability to continue receiving interlibrary loan services from that library. Please make every effort to return this material by the due date. Please note: Borrowers may be required to have a valid library card with the MLN system in order to check out Interlibrary Loan materials.
Photocopying and Laser Printing
We charge $.25 per photocopied or printed page. Black and white only.
We have a FAX machine. We both send and receive faxes at a rate of $1 per page.
Computer Access
The Peterstown Library offers computer and internet access free of charge with seven computer terminals. Computer Use Policy: Patrons must have a valid Library Card with no patron blocks; they must sign in on a Computer Usage Notebook; there is a 30-minute time limit; children age 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult; Library Staff will instruct patrons in how to log on and off and in other basic procedures, but will not provide in depth training in Internet use; patrons may print from the Internet at 25 cents a page; it is illegal for staff or patrons to display any visual images containing nudity, obscenity or graphic violence; patrons will receive one warning regarding this rule; another violation will result in a permanent loss of Internet privileges.
Meeting Room
We offer a newly remodeled meeting room for public use. To schedule its use, please call the library at 304-753-9568.
Reading Areas
The Peterstown Library offers several reading areas throughout our library. Beyond the main reading area, located near the windows across from our main, upper level entrance, there are reading areas in the Juvenille and Young Adult areas as well as in the north-east and south-east corners of the building.
Reference Materials
We offer reference books, such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, pricing guides, maps, atlases, and many local history. These materials may be used for research on site or photocopied, but may not be checked out.
Local History Room
Our new facility contains a local history room in which we have our reference collection of books pertaining to the history of our part of the state. It is not the most extensive collection and there is limited genealogical material within it. Anything that we do not have on hand is likely to be found at the Greenbrier County Historical Society, located in the North House Museum, just down the hill from our facility. As with all of our reference materials, the books in our Local History Room may not be checked out.
Book Sale
The Peterstown Public Library offers an ongoing book sale inside the library itself.
Class Visits
We serve as the Peterstown Elementary School's Library. Class visits are held on Mondays, Wednesday mornings, Thursdays and Fridays.